As I sit in an adult class room I cannot help think this is what kindergarten must feel like. I cannot remember how it felt so this is the closest thing I have experienced to the kindergarten world. In thinking that way my idea of what kindergarten was like is now how I perceive this adult class room. It is kind of like when you cannot remember moments of your past but you have pictures of those events so you start to look at the pictures and fashion new memories based on this super clear picture of a moment of the night.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The book of face
What I mean by the waiting for someone--something is; well I get this feeling every once and a while that I just missed out on someone awesome because of something that did not happen. Something that I could have done better; more right if you will. Whether it be just turning around when someone cute passes you by on the street at the right time and your eyes meet and you realize; 'hey, maybes are awesome, lets go with maybe and see what happens.' Or you scan through your friends on facebook for someone whom you want to speak with at this moment and realize that despite having countless people online there is nobody who your itching to speak to. It is not because you are uninterested and you still adore them but for some reason you have reached that point in friendship/knowing each other that your comfortable, and don't want to ruin it by saying too much.
Run on sentences are fun! I also quite like to rant, rave and ramble, and overly blunt alliteration is kind of my go to thing when I am nervous by trying to sound witty.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Living the life that's the same as 7 other people.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy Singing Robots. And other stuff.

It seemed like such a great subject that I just had to start writing something. Left over candy canes are awesome as well. Happy sad music, I like the fact I am once again searching out random interesting things because random interesting things are awesome for so many reasons. Well, two main ones, the randomness and the interestingness.
Overly picky word selection is something I aspire to have, it could all be in vain as writing is a dying art it seems.
Music change now, random music from unknown artists that are apart of other peoples play lists. I like the ability to listen to other peoples favourite songs. I think everyone should listen to their friends favourite songs. It is a great way to understand your friends better. I wonder if it is all a quest to find the most obscure cool thing possible and share it with people. I have no idea what I admire. Not at this moment anyways.
If you want to hear my random songs check out, or randomly pick someone elses mix I promise you will not be disappointed if you give it a shot. I promise, and a promise is something that take care when offering out. Promises are not mean to be broken as an Eve 6 song taught me once upon a time.
Monday, January 10, 2011
When I look back at my past I don't remember it all...
Ha, big shocker I know, and I realize that nobody remembers everything except perhaps some super amazingly smart people but that's not what I care about in this point. When we take a picture I feel we short change our memory; the second a photo is taken something is altered. It is silly that something as harmless as: a click, shutter movement and ultimately a flash can alter so much. With the flicker of a camera every aspect of a second in time is captured: the smiles, hopes, triumphs, failures, miseries and happiness’s. Everything from a particular instance is saved—a memory is saved in picture form. I say it’s saved but it’s also forever lost because once you look at a picture of a past moment you begin to forget what happened and remember the picture rather then a real memory. What about our memory of the night, do we save snapshots in our mind instead of a narrative of the night. I know we’ll never remember every feelings, each joke and mishap, or the conversations had. A picture lets us forget more because we already have proof of what happened we don't need to remember it is as well. Are we becoming feeble minded due to our mental lack of exercise.
More then the diminished importance of being mindful; I hate cameras because they spoil a mood. I know the intention is to look back on the memories and think about all the amazingly great times you’re having but that is not what I think in fact happens. Everyone's had one of those moments when everything is just going right, the lights, the music, the jokes, the friends, the drinks, the game, the company; just a moment whenever thing is natural and your completely at ease and in the instant, everyone is. Then all of a sudden out of no where a camera appears and someone starts taking pictures—posed at first and then later going for the candid occasions. Now odds are the person with the camera out is unaware of the damage they have just caused, in fact they were probably just as fun loving and care-free as you at the moment and thought 'Hey this is great. I am having a good time now I wish I could preserve this second for the future'. If they had stopped there and just taken in there surroundings and appreciate: the experience, the ambiance, the sentiment, it could have continued. This friend presumably, then takes out the camera and starts flashing around and with that the juncture is gone. It's like everything builds up to that point in time, everything you've done to that instance just feels like a story, your story, and then flash. Chapter 24.3 ‘How the night continued after’. I guess that would just be a good analogy for something to do with cameras and time but it has completely made me lose my point. So I will stop now. The pathos of all of this is that it’s impossible to return to the state of bliss prior to the bucket of reality water that is a camera’s flash. The worst part of it all is once that first camera appears they start appearing more frequently and dilute the situation more. What it creates is a night to forget literally
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hazy morning thoughts
I often find myself answer questions that were never asked. I defend my position to myself, each day when I see myself in the mirror I have to justify my every action. When confronted this means I am overly prepared to defend myself. In the meantime I am left with a self full of doubt.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
I am not sure if I am amazed or horrified. It may just be me new favourite website out there or it could be the worst thing to happen to the internet since well, I have no witty off beat retort at the moment so I will save that thought for later on. It is in it's Beta stages, and states clearly that you can pretend to know better.
I wonder though; if by reading other peoples opinions on a subject and you ape them does that not help you expand your knowledge. This website is trying to help me sift through the good and bad while asking nothing in return. It has given me a few laughs and made me think, so why should I not trust it's remarks. Were I to truly doubt it I could simply go to the source material and make my own educated opinion. Plus, King Lear is quite good by my standards which is exactly what the site tells me. Why do I need to spend the time to search through everything to discover I like or dislike something. If I spend the time to read and listen to other peoples opinions and enjoy their commentary on it is that not good enough? There is way too much information out there and we can never possibly hope to read, hear, see it all. There has to be some sort of filter and Smugopedia has a certain swagger to it. The title alone says enough about the site for me to give it a shot as it is unapologetic and open about its intentions.
Good on your smugopedia, you are the worst thing to happen to the internet since stumble! and I say that without knowing which came first. I am sure wiki would have an answer for that.
The most misunderstood vegetable
I think cauliflower is quite possibly the most misunderstood vegetable. I say this because as I look around a now empty room all that was once edible has disappeared: the chips, gone, fruit, gone, salsa, gone. Amongst the rubble of empty beer bottles and discarded pizza boxes alone sits the cauliflower. Platters that were filled with carrots, broccoli, celery and of course the cauliflower have only one remaining. A day filled with 12 guys drinking, eating, playing foosball and watching football managed to ravage everything edible or drinkable in the apartment with the exception of the cauliflower. Why would this be if not for a lack of understanding as to what this vegetable is.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Great ideas that should have been thought of sooner.

Why is today the first day I quite literally stumbled upon a traffic light system that makes sense. The timer with colours makes perfect sense to me and I wonder why nobody thought of this sooner and why it is not implemented. Cost probably, which seems like a terrible reason not to do something. Think about the job created along the way and the innovation that comes with it.