Thursday, January 13, 2011

The book of face

Ever feel like your just waiting for someone to actually say something? Maybe not, maybe that is just me right now in this moment waiting, or rather not waiting. You will have to forgive me for going off on a tangent here but I tend to do that and really need to be hit over the head and told to pull things back when I go over board. With that in mind I mean well although it may not be immediately evident.

What I mean by the waiting for someone--something is; well I get this feeling every once and a while that I just missed out on someone awesome because of something that did not happen. Something that I could have done better; more right if you will. Whether it be just turning around when someone cute passes you by on the street at the right time and your eyes meet and you realize; 'hey, maybes are awesome, lets go with maybe and see what happens.' Or you scan through your friends on facebook for someone whom you want to speak with at this moment and realize that despite having countless people online there is nobody who your itching to speak to. It is not because you are uninterested and you still adore them but for some reason you have reached that point in friendship/knowing each other that your comfortable, and don't want to ruin it by saying too much.

Run on sentences are fun! I also quite like to rant, rave and ramble, and overly blunt alliteration is kind of my go to thing when I am nervous by trying to sound witty.

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