Saturday, January 8, 2011


It exists!

I am not sure if I am amazed or horrified. It may just be me new favourite website out there or it could be the worst thing to happen to the internet since well, I have no witty off beat retort at the moment so I will save that thought for later on. It is in it's Beta stages, and states clearly that you can pretend to know better.

I wonder though; if by reading other peoples opinions on a subject and you ape them does that not help you expand your knowledge. This website is trying to help me sift through the good and bad while asking nothing in return. It has given me a few laughs and made me think, so why should I not trust it's remarks. Were I to truly doubt it I could simply go to the source material and make my own educated opinion. Plus, King Lear is quite good by my standards which is exactly what the site tells me. Why do I need to spend the time to search through everything to discover I like or dislike something. If I spend the time to read and listen to other peoples opinions and enjoy their commentary on it is that not good enough? There is way too much information out there and we can never possibly hope to read, hear, see it all. There has to be some sort of filter and Smugopedia has a certain swagger to it. The title alone says enough about the site for me to give it a shot as it is unapologetic and open about its intentions.

Good on your smugopedia, you are the worst thing to happen to the internet since stumble! and I say that without knowing which came first. I am sure wiki would have an answer for that.

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