Friday, February 4, 2011


Enough of that dribble from Heathrow. Now I am in India, or rather Delhi’s international airport; Gandhi. Everything is Gandhi, thus far anyways. Forgive my grammar, at the best of times I lack proper sentence structure and spelling, today I have no hope. Surprisingly easy to enter the country, now I am waiting to be found by Hamid. I say waiting to be found since I do not know what else to do. I guess I could call him. I should probably do that, it would make sense.
After calling Hamid I learned that it would in fact be his son Vargha I would meet in Delhi. Vargha is my age, an 85 kid, born in India despite his family being from Iran and is basically backpacking across his own country at the moment. He takes time off to help out in small villages and then picks up and heads off on random adventures. He spent a day with a friend wandering around Bombay in boxers, I have seen the pictures, looked fun.
There is not much on the plate for this first day and I am rather thankful, I keep telling Vargha that I do not want to go to sleep because if I sleep too early then I will end up being jet legged for days. A supplier in Delhi was nice enough to send a driver and a van for us at the airport and take us to our hotel, in exchange they hope I will stop by tomorrow and look at carpets. This first night I am also to be pampered, we are booked into the Crown Plaza a five star hotel that is quite new and rather unoccupied. I am sure that it will be nice however I cannot help wishing that we were not splurging on a pricey hotel on my account since I have limited funds for this trip and the first day is not when I want to go crazy.
We end up meeting his cousin Carmel for dinner at the hotel’s buffet and feast until we cannot eat anymore on all sorts of curries: curry mutton, chicken, vegetarian curry, water and basically anything else you could ever want or think to put curry in and a few things that you would not. I also end up having a tarot card reading during a break in the eating. It turns out that I will always have money and two loves of my life, and only one marriage. He would not tell me if I pick the right one. His parrot also picks up a card for me filled with more of my future, it is in Hindi so I have no clue what the parrot tarot card said. We end up finishing dinner around 10:30 and hop in an auto-rickshaws as it is not the safest idea for Carmel to take one home by herself at this hour. After having traffic swerving all around us at great speeds we drop off Carmel and head back towards the hotel, Vargha suggests a bar and I decline since he does not drink and well I have no idea how much money I will have and kind of like the idea of doing my best not to drink while here.

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