Monday, February 14, 2011


Saturday arrives and it means little. I go back to my prior to helping out at the school routine only to find out that the kids I have been helping prepare for sports day are here practicing and wondering where I am. Tempted as I am to go join them Hamid suggests we head out earlier today in search of carpets and although I am sceptical I know if I head out to the kids it will be a certainty that we will not get going until the afternoon. 11 we get down to the car and 11:15 we get going; heading back towards Bhadohi. We enter Morti Lal around noon and end up being coaxed into staying for far too long. When we get back into the car I have a talk with Hamid about the amount of time we are taking at places as it does not take 2+ hours to select 24 carpets. Yes I want to see as much stock as I can however when the suppliers continue to show me the same colours and patterns I have told them I am not interested in we should just move on.
Mobility should be my strength yet it has been to my detriment thus far. I should be assertive; I am working on it, after all I am the client and here. I want to be respectful which leads to too little being accomplished. 2+ hours in one place and having to sit silently while Hamid eats and talks with suppliers is an unproductive day, although Hamid was having stomach problems and soldiering through the day.
From Morti Lal and brothers we head to Ideal Carpets who are another huge supplier; one of the four hotels beside Hamid’s house is called Ideal Hotel, or Hotel Ideal I cannot remember the order at the moment—they have a pool. I spend another hour and a half searching through their stock before we make our way back to the car and hit the road for an hour and a half car ride back. I am beginning to realize that I still have much to learn although those initial nerves have diminished.

Fun fact, in January India had 21 Billion in exports.

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