Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The weekend is over and as such my routine has changed back to a teacher meeting at 7:45am, gym class until 10 and then on the road with Hamid.
At the teacher meeting they are still planning for this coming Sunday's Sports Day. They are trying to think of activities for parents and children to participate in; separately mind you. I suggested some of the games we played back at Brentwood Elementary school however a lot of them do not work on dirt fields. I am still unsure if I will be back in time or not. On Wednesdays Hamid and I are going to Delhi, Thursday Agra and Friday I believe that we are going to Jaipur then back to Delhi and returning to Varanasi on Saturday or Sunday. While we are away we will be searching for carpets as well as attending a wedding and a little bit of sightseeing for myself--Taj Mahal here I come!
During the morning gym class a few of the teachers decided to analyze my writing and from it decided that those I trust I trust a lot and those I do not well I distrust a lot; they also came to the conclusion that I would marry someone whose name begins with a G or H based on my cursive capitals. What is this obsession with marriage? Next they gave me a homework assignment to practice 10 Hindi letters and the kids gave me a few more words to work on: please, which is pronounced Cre-pie-a, was one of the words however they had to ask their teachers what it was in Hindi as it is rarely used.
A quick breakfast and we headed to Hamid's warehouse for a 'short' stop as a few more carpets arrived and he had a gas tank to drop off.
The first supplier was nice and helpful although had absolutely nothing of use to me so we head off with a slight detour as a grain truck was being unloaded and blocking the road we came in on. When we hit the highway traffic was light so our driver floored it; which in this car meant around 160km in a 50km zone. The maximum speed limit I have seen since I got here is 50km, the fastest I have been in a car since arriving is 170km. I am ever tense when in the car as my body has been trained to be aware when I hear a horn and they seem to always be sounding.
Back at the house I skip out on the youth training meeting in favour of a little time for myself listening to music and practicing my Hindi Abc's. After all I was given 10 Hindi letters to remember for homework.

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